Archive for the ‘Friends’ Category

Retreating to the Wilderness

Posted 24 Oct 2007 — by nick
Category Creation, Friends, Fun, Jesus, Light, Spirituality

Illinois has mountains too… well sorta. This is Camel Rock in the Garden of the Gods, part of Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois.

In a few short minutes I’ll be on the road with my twin brother Chris headed for Harrisburg, IL. We’ll be spending the next 3 1/2 days hiking a small section of the River to River trail – specifically we are destined for The Garden of the Gods.

I’m excited to have a chance to retreat and spend some refreshing simplistic time with God. I pray He meets with me as I walk through creation and communions with me as I drink deep of His beauty.

See you in a few days.

Ruined Childhood Perceptions

Posted 01 Sep 2007 — by nick
Category Friends, Fun, Television

Tonight some friends of mine laughed as I explained how I thought it was weird that Garfield the Cat had a mustache. Apparently he doesn’t and I’ve been wrong all these years. Take a look for yourself, the yellow totally looks like a mustache:

Also I decided I don’t like Garfield cause he’s orange.