Yay, Illinois!

Posted 18 May 2007 — by nick
Category Fun, News, Podcasts

Welp apparently Illinois is the most average of all the states. Average in racial makeup, slightly above average in income and urban-ness. But alas the good old Illinois… just average. The least average is West Virginia.

NPR: Story of the Day

Music, Music, Music

Posted 15 May 2007 — by nick
Category Fun, music, Poetry

When I have nothing better to post about I decide to post on albums that are getting lots of playtime. The time is such.

Eyes Open by Snow Patrol
I continue to find it surprising that I’m listening to this first album so much – surprising because I might label it more mainstream-pop-music-ish than anything else I typically listen too. Maybe it’s the melancholy that has been visiting me for quite sometime now. Maybe it’s the brit-pop-rock. Maybe it’s the foot tapping bass beat. Or just the way it sounds blasting in my VW. I have enjoyed the composition of this album – one song flowing into the next, telling the over dramatic story of love desired and love lost. With lines that shock my heart into worship, lines like “I need your grace, to remind me, to find my own”

Favorite Tracks: Chasing Cars, Open Your Eyes

The Ringing Bell by Derek Webb
Derek continues to stir up controversy and break the Christian Music mold with politically provocative songs like “A Savior On Capitol Hill”. “Come on D.C. if it be thy will, because we’ve never had a savior on capitol hill” The electric/rock feel of the CD is reminiscent of Mockingbird, with subtle breaks where he reverts to an almost early Caedmon’s guitar and vocals feel lamenting about love, grace and God. The album runs a thoughtful, lyricful packed 30 minutes, leaving me wishing for more. Well worth the money. If you have the graphic novel and would be willing to loan it out… I’d love you.

Favorite Tracks: I Don’t Want to Fight, This Too Shall Be Made Right
Bonus: check out www.noisetrade.com and www.squarepegalliance.com both Derek related projects.

Oh yeah and if you’re a Wilco fan, Go buy their new album right now. I’m holding off on reviewing it until I’ve listened through it a couple times.

Small Talk… It’s so awkward

Posted 28 Apr 2007 — by nick
Category Blogs, Fun, Technology

+10 nerd points to wondra for posting xkcd comics on his blog, causing me to waste over an hour chuckling at nerdtastic jokes.

Global Internet NOC Page

Posted 20 Apr 2007 — by nick
Category Blogs, Fun, Technology

Incase you notice your internets are down or slow you can check the Global Internet Status Page complete with a blog:

Skittles Commercial

Posted 12 Apr 2007 — by nick
Category Fun, Technology, Videos

I saw this commercial tonight and it caught me off guard – pretty sure I laughed through the entire next commercial slot.


What is that to you?

Posted 11 Apr 2007 — by nick
Category Jesus, Light, Ministry, Scripture, Spirituality

After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”

“Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know I love you.”

“Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him.

Jesus repeated the question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

“Yes, Lord,” Peter said, “you know I love you.”

“Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said.

A third time he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep.

“I tell you the truth, when you were young, you were able to do as you liked; you dressed yourself and went wherever you wanted to go. But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and others will dress you and take you where you don’t want to go.” Jesus said this to let him know by what kind of death he would glorify God. Then Jesus told him, “Follow me.”

Peter turned around and saw behind them the disciple Jesus loved—the one who had leaned over to Jesus during supper and asked, “Lord, who will betray you?” Peter asked Jesus, “What about him, Lord?”

Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me.”
~ John 21:15-22

Awhile back I downloaded a message Rob Bell gave at his Church – this passage the focus. He talks throughout about how in John’s Gospel we see this petty rivalry between John and Peter. John refers to himself as ‘The disciple Jesus loved’, he explains that he ran faster than Peter and arrived at Jesus’ empty tomb first, points out how Peter denies Jesus 3 times, to name a few.

I went to Easter Mass with my Dad when I was home and the priest referenced the passage of John running faster than Peter to the empty tomb only he painted it in the light of John’s young age and put some spin to the effect of John’s youth made him less wise than St. Peter – hinting at worth and spiritual maturity being greater in the older, wiser St. Peter.

So much comparison – measuring one man against another.

The challenging part of this passage comes when Jesus says “What is that to you?” He gives Peter a purpose, tells him what his life is meant for and alludes to how he’s going to die, but Peter is more concerned with what John gets. “What about him?”

This is the comparison game – what steals my joy and my peace – and “the disciple Jesus loved” and the disciple Jesus builds his church on are playing it. It is so far ingrained in my humanity it twists even the simplest things in life. I compare my stuff, my progress at work, my spirituality, how effective I am at teaching and leading, how I pray, how much I read my Bible, how smart I sound, how smart I am, how fast I run, how far I run, what I look like, how much money I make, how much money I give away, how many people read this blog, I’m sure I could type for the rest of the night and still have more to list.

The point is Jesus has given me a purpose (some might call it a calling but that’s too churchy sounding), I shouldn’t be concerned with what everyone else gets. Living like that is being content, it is being comfortable in your own skin, it is being who God made you to be.

He’s given each of us a purpose – we shouldn’t be asking “what about him?” because Jesus’ answer is “What is that to you? As for you, follow me.”

New Product From Google :)

Posted 02 Apr 2007 — by nick
Category Fun, News, Technology

Just in case you didn’t catch this on Google today: they are offering a free broadband service in your home now. All you need to do is contact them to receive a free kit – complete with a wireless router, spool of Fiber Optic Cable and Installation CD. They are calling it TiSP. Here is a sample from the FAQs:

Is this offering a tiered service? How does Google’s position on Net Neutrality effect TiSP?
Although we understand that there’s a lot of crap on the web, we also believe strongly in providing equal opportunity access to all our users. While we won’t limit your surfing choices, we do offer three levels of TiSP service:

Trickle The #2 Royal Flush

Download speed (max)

8 Mbps
(10X basic DSL)

16 Mbps
(20X basic DSL)

32 Mbps
(40X basic DSL)

Upload speed (max)

2 Mbps

4 Mbps

8 Mbps





Actual speeds will vary, depending on network traffic and sewer line conditions. Users with low-flow toilets may simultaneously experience a saving-the-environment glow and slower-data-speed blues.

Apparently installation is simple. You attach a weight to the end of the fiber and flush it down your Toilet, letting the spool roll out. Then you connect the other end of the fiber to your TiSP wireless router and one of their Plumbing Hardware Dispatchers (PHDs) hooks up your fiber to an Internet access node.

Ah… happy April 1st.

VW: Ze German Engineering

Posted 28 Mar 2007 — by nick
Category Fun, Technology, Volkswagen

Well I did it. After 8 months of searching, pondering and saving I bought a car. I had long since decided to buy a Volkswagen for their reliability and attention to detail – as one sales guy told me “there is a high correlation between engineers and Volkswagens.”

About a month ago I visited my dealer to talk to Brooks, my third sales guy – I didn’t really get along with the previous two. I had long ago decided I wanted a black, two door, manual rabbit which was suprisingly hard to find. Brooks was pretty accomodating, he didn’t have what I wanted on the lot and instead of trying to get me to buy something else or change my preferences on color, etc he began searching other dealers to make a trade for my car. About a week later he called me and said he found one.

She was leaving the line in Wolfsburg, Germany and would be in the USA on the March 22 and ready for me to check out shortly after that. A couple weeks past. On Monday, Brooks called me and said she arrived and was being unwrapped – she would be ready for pick up at 4:00. So exciting! I met up with Brooks at the dealer around 4:00 after work and we looked over the car, went through the necessary paper work, haggled over add-on packages, APR, etc. and at 6:15 I drove my new rabbit off the lot with just 12 miles on it. 🙂

I’m taking suggestions for names, keep in mind she is a girl (of course).

More Free Caffeine

Posted 19 Mar 2007 — by nick
Category coffee, Fun, News

Free Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts Wednesday March 21, 2007. (Press Release)
Well last week’s free Starbucks helped get me through the week – with the official change of seasons this week and free iced coffee from DD, I’d say getting through this week won’t be so tough either.

Just for fun: calculate your daily caffeine intake. See if you beat me I’m between 580 and 725mg / day. “OK. THAT’S ENOUGH”

Playing in the Sand

Posted 14 Mar 2007 — by nick
Category Blogs, Creation, Fun, Jesus

I’m being really productive this morning 🙂

It all started when I was reading JK’s recent post and then jumped over to his flickr sets – this dude has shot some pretty cool pictures. Once there I noticed a picture of a time I had almost all together forgotten.
A group of us from i-life were headed to Mexico to build homes for families in need about 3 years ago. One morning on our journey down we stopped off at White Sands National Park – I think simply to be kids again. The picture is of Ben Chase, Matt Dobsch, and Me (from left to right). We are jumping off the edge of a sand dune. Funtimes.