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Posted 07 Sep 2010 in Fun, GCM, Running

Endurance sports have been my thing for the past 5 years or more. Marathons, triathlons. Running, cycling, swimming – when I talk about working out it is always one of those 3. Amy has started to get into it to. In a few weeks we will be running the Chicago Marathon together, it’ll be her first marathon. 18 weeks of training, a 1/2 marathon in the spring preceded by 12 weeks of training – she’s well prepared.

These sports have such a magnetism for me. They require deep discipline and perseverance, a band of brothers to train with is often helpful. All these things are great, but it’s not that. Its how much they are an analogy for life. Its the job that you just can’t stand anymore, the unemployment you wish wasn’t. Or facing conflict with a loved one, apologizing when you’ve been hurt and hurt others.

So often in life we have to do the thing we don’t want to do – we wake in the morning and would rather sleep in, but we lace up our shoes and run anyways.

This analogy has come to life in a new way for me lately. Support Raising. Making calls, going on appointments, being away from home. All things I enjoy from time to time but often they are like the run I’m dreading. I know I’ll feel so much better when I get through it, but it’s so hard to get started some days.

And then there are the days when everything comes together and you feel great – you finish 20 miles at your race pace feeling strong and fresh. Days when you wake and are ready to get moving.

I generally pray for the latter but live in the former.

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